Audiovisual advertising serves various purposes, from traditional sales-focused ads to building brand authority or simply reinforcing a product’s presence in the consumer’s mind.

Brand video
A brand video should convey the essence of the brand, its purpose, and reasons for existing. To achieve this, a script should only be developed after extensive research into the brand, its owners, and collaborators.

Product videos
Product videos are essential for showcasing the benefits and features of a product. But they can also be designed with an aesthetic focus, aiming to enhance the image, as well as assign meanings and emotions to the product and the brand.

Corporative Vídeos
An institutional video is a strategic piece. It should communicate only the essentials about the brand, showcasing its structure or impact on society. A good video must be developed alongside a strategy, so it’s not just an aimless audiovisual piece without purpose or return for the company.

A good interview should be carefully planned. Questions and response directions must be crafted and discussed in advance. On the day of the shoot, the setup or choice of setting, lighting, and cameras should follow a predefined concept that aligns with the brand.